Wouldn’t it be great if life came with clearer instructions?
How many times have we found ourselves on a path without any clue of how to navigate all the twists and turns?
It’s easy to get shaken by the curve balls life throws, particularly when they affect your career.
This week Janet and I and her husband, Brian, all ventured out to a new mountain biking trail here in Florida.
It was equal parts thrilling and challenging, reminded me a lot of the scenes in Jurassic Park!
But there’s something about taking off down a path that you’ve never experienced, it stretches you to your limits but once you’ve made it through the sense of accomplishment is just awesome.
How about you? Do you love staying at home more or are you always up for the next (often muddy) adventure?😄🚵🏻♀️🌬 #hannapark #mountainbikingtrails #careercoach #interviewskills #interviewtips #careerstrategy #resume #salary #bestlife #verydifficult #careercoach #bosslady #coachforwomen #businesscoaching