Another beautiful year has passed where many women stood up and OWNED their femininity in their leadership presence. As the December days slowly pass by, I feel the energy inside of me changing. From a reflective awareness towards envisioning perspectives. As I allow my mind to wander, I notice myself daydreaming. About new beginnings, new desires and initiatives. Of which some have already been initiated and expected to come to fruition in 2020. Such as: 📙 Writing my first book! 🚀 Launching a new program. 🔥 Follow-up on my international dreams through a collaboration with experienced business coach Sonia Herrero. We found each other in our quest to enlarge the leadership role of women by being true to themselves. And now we want to spark your 2020 off with a joint retreat that will fulfill your needs as a feminine business leader. Attend our ‘Feminine Leadership Retreat’ in Brussel’s area from 5th – 6th March! What are your desires for 2020? I would love to know what your intentions for 2020 are? What do you hope to accomplish? Please share you story with me in the comments. #carlaclarissa #femaleleadership #sisterhood #journeytowholeness #presence #femaleleaders #femalepower #femaleempowerment #workingwomen #womensleadership #womeninspiringwomen #womenempoweringwomen #womensupportingwomen #womeninbiz #womenwhowork #womenentrepreneurs #leadershipdevelopment #businesscoaching #personaldevelopment #powerwoman #sisterhoodovercompetition
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